Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Reading Time. We read the same book over several days so that we learn to think about the story, make predictions, look for inferences, learn about language features and become more confident readers.

Using my eagle eyes.

Thinking hard... what word would make sense in that sentence?

Making connections to other stories that I have read.

Using the pictures to help me work out tricky words.

Reading the book at my own pace.

Staying focused and using my knowledge about initial letters and word endings to help me work out words on my own.

Writing group at work around the whiteboard table. Day 2 of Term 3.

 Finger spaces, sounding out and very focused.
Intense concentration

 A budding author...feeling proud of his efforts.

Using an alphabet card to help sound out words.

Writing is fun and I can write independently!
Oliver knows that rereading his story helps him to make sure it makes sense. He is learning to check his own work.

Our skipping paintings. Thank you Amanda Heslop for all the wonderful help you gave the children.